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We create social change by normalising disability 
through education and awareness.

Anna holding her son Matias, smiling to the camera

Everything we do at HumanKind is inspired by a vision to foster a world where inclusion is second nature to all of us, where all abilities are valued and celebrated and where ableism, barriers and fears surrounding disability are permanently broken down.


The stigma that surrounds the disability community is fuelled by lack of representation and lack of awareness among the general public. HumanKind addresses both these issues through workshops, partnerships and innovative campaigns run in Denmark and abroad. 


Who do we work with?


  • Individuals who work with HumanKind are typically parents who want to raise respectful, non-ableist children.

  • Educational institutions who choose HumanKind to be their partner are schools and teachers' associations that want to be inclusive, but who need practical - and not just theoretical - steps to make inclusion happen.


The businesses that HumanKind partners with are on a path to foster a culture of inclusion not only on paper, but in practice. They want to attract disabled talent or disabled customers, and they want their brand to be seen as disability friendly.

About Us

About Us

Our Story

Meet Anna, the founder of HumanKind. 


Anna's life looked quite typical: she was a working professional and a happy mother of a boy, with another son on the way. Right after her younger son, Matias, was born, life took an unexpected turn when Matias received a diagnosis of an ultra rare genetic condition, causing him a life-long disability. Anna had to quickly confront her own fear of disability, and became acutely aware that the stigma surrounding disability and the lack of understanding of the disabled community are what blocks non-disabled individuals from embracing the concept of being different. 


Anna’s own journey to start seeing disability as an integral part of human experience transformed into the need to create a wave of awareness and empowerment, and she dedicated herself to fostering positive change in our society. Through her work in HumanKind, Anna is redefining perceptions, proving that every challenge can be met with courage and compassion.


Thanks to her professional experience in public speaking, coaching, relationship management and HR, Anna is a saught-after speaker and workshop facilitator, and a contributor to the Special Needs column of The International magazine in Denmark. Her focus on practical aspects of inclusion led her to show the reality behind raising a disabled child and she shares her personal experience on Instagram.

Our Vision

Our vision for the world feeds the vision for our organisation.


HumanKind’s inspiring vision is to foster a world where inclusion is second nature to all of us, where all abilities are valued and celebrated and where ableism, barriers and fears surrounding disability are permanently broken down. Our vision of the world vividly sees the disabled community feeling acknowledged, accepted and understood by the non-disabled. We want our society to embrace the fact that disability has always been and will always be an integral part of human experience.  


The vision for our organisation is to create an immense social change through education and empowerment of individuals, schools and businesses that all play a vital role in transforming the world into a place that excludes no one. 


The stigma that surrounds the disability community is fuelled by lack of representation and lack of awareness among the general public. HumanKind addresses both these issues through workshops, partnerships and innovative campaigns run in Denmark and abroad.


Why should you care?


16% of global population live with significant disability (WHO, 2023). In the EU, that number is 24% (European Council, 2022). The disability community is growing steadily due to ageing population, and if disability hasn't touched you yet, it definitely will at some point in your life. 


HumanKind realise that disability is a difficult and uncomfortable subject. But since it will touch us all, we believe that it's easier to educate ourselves before it's too late - before we're thrown into the deep water through having to care for a disabled person, or needing care ourselves. Breaking the stigma and removing our internal ableism is within reach - you just need to know how to do it.

Our Values

The purpose  of HumanKind is to normalise disability among non-disabled people and create a world where inclusion is not only a theoretical concept, but a normal part of life.


We believe in:


1. Empowerment: We empower individuals and children in their journey to fight ableism by providing them with the tools, resources, and support needed to reach those goals. We offer the support you need in your home, school and business to practise inclusion every day.


2. Education: We commit to continuous learning and education, because there is always more to learn about the experience of being human. We take an uncomfortable subject and make it comfortable, so that you learn overcome your fears surrounding disability .


3. Equality: We advocate for equal opportunities and rights for people with disabilities, ensuring they have the same access to education, employment, social benefits and quality of life as anyone else.


4. Empathy, compassion and connection: We cultivate empathy and understanding among non-disabled individuals, creating a social awakening for all of us. We all feel the need to be compassionate and connected towards other humans and we want the next generations to develop these skills as early as possible.  


5. Advocacy: We are a strong and vocal advocate for disability rights and we work towards removing systemic barriers and stigmas that affect individuals with disabilities.


6. Collaboration: The social change we need will only happen if we work together as a society. We collaborate with individuals, organisations, and communities to create a united front against ableism and to promote and practise inclusion.


These core values reflect our commitment to the mission of normalising disability, breaking down ableism, and fostering true inclusion. They serve as guiding principles for decision-making, behaviour, and interactions within our organisation and with the broader community.


By working with us, you give yourself the opportunity to join a wave of social change that you don't want to miss out on. 

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